Norways Oil fund is over $525 BILLION dollars! why does Alberta only have a million or so?

March 20, 2011 at 7:02 am | Posted in Alberta, Questions, Quotabull | 2 Comments says Alberta has 1.7 trillion barrels of oil in the tar sands. at 2011 march prices thats approx 170 trillion dollars of oil. shows how in 2002 norway was producing almost the same amount of Oil as Alberta, then Norways petroleum fund was worth $54 Billion while Albertas heritage trust fund was worth 12 billion.

Today according to Norway produces 2,350,000 barels of oil per day vrs Alberta’s 1.9 m illion barrels per day. and soon to be 3.2 million barrels per day. yet according to google

Norways fund is now worth over $525 BILLION dollars while Alberta has a few billion of promisary notes and less than a million in cash in the bank…..

Norways saving grew by a factor of ten  from 2002 to 2011, from 54 billion to over 525 billion.
Alberta savings from 2002 to 2011 actually shrank! and grew smaller and went from 12 billion to 6 billion…


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  1. […]… Is the post where I showed that Alberta has is and will be conned by the cons in charge.Where has the missings trillions gone? Alberta could of been having government for free, no debt, no deficits, and a check every year! Why is the wildrose alliance so silent on this huge issue? $5 Trillion is a lot of money to just vanish…… […]

  2. Very nice!…

    I could not have said it any better my friend! Please Keep up the awesome work my friend. You are very talented & I pray that I can write as good as you someday…

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